The following guidelines are common for Oral and Poster presentations.

Oral, Poster presentations (deadline 17th March 2023)


Session NumberSessions
1Metals in Medicine and Biology
2Metallomics, Metalloproteins Structures
3Metals Complexes Interaction with RNA, DNA or Proteins
4Bioinorganic Biomaterials
5Biomimetic and Bioinspired Bioinorganic Chemistry and Energy Conversion
6Metal Toxicology and Metals in Environment
7Biophysical, Biochemical and Spectroscopic Methods in Bioinorganic Chemistry
All authors are kindly requested to follow below guidelines for abstracts submission

  • Abstracts should be submitted online (https://isabc2023.chem.uoi.gr/abstracts/) or via e-mail at k.ge@zita-congress.gr to the attention of Mr. Gerasimos Kouloumpis.
  • The abstract must be written in English.
  • The abstract must be submitted in word format doc or docx.
  • It is absolutely mandatory to indicate for which scientific program session the abstract is submitted

Abstract template is available here to be followed for

Name the file ISABC16_Presenting Author Name_Session Number.docx, (e.g ISABC16_Hadjikakou_1.docx)

Click Here to download the Abstract Template

In case you are facing issues with your online submission on this website please contact

Mr. Gerasimos Kouloumpis

E-mail: k.ge@zita-congress.gr
Tel: +30 2299 440962